Organizars Conference

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University

Lapidus.jpg Lapidus Azariy Abramovich, Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Over 75 years of its existence, the department changed its name several times, this was associated with the main periods of development of the building industry. On June 26, 2012 at the meeting of the Academic Council of NRU MGSU, it was decided to merge the Department of “Building Technology” with the Department of “Organization of Construction Production” of the Institute of Construction and Architecture to create a powerful modern department, which is now viewed as a vanguard of organization of building technologies. It was headed by Honoured builder of the Russian Federation, Prize Winner of the Government of the Russian Federation in science and technology, Honorary Russia builder, Honorary Moscow builder, Honorary Worker of Higher Vocational Education, Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor, Lapidus A.A. “The emergence of such a department is a response to the urgent needs which a civil society puts today for professional staff in the construction industry. The disciplines of technology and the organization of construction are very closely interconnected and by creating a joint department, it will be possible to take into account all the issues related to restructuring and innovation, both in the educational process and in construction as a whole. Of course, in the coming years this department will be the largest not only within the National Research University MGSU, but also it will become a large-scale educational unit in Russia and Europe. The appointment to this position was honorable for me, as for the professor and graduate of this university, so I agreed with great satisfaction and gratitude.